Vallecito Union School District Home

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VUSD Board Meeting

Time: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Albert Michelson Elementary - Library | 196 Pennsylvania Gulch Rd, Murphys, CA 95247

VUSD Board Meeting

Time: 5:30 PM – 8 PM
Location: Avery Middle School - Library

VUSD Board Meeting

Time: 5:30 PM – 8 PM
Location: Avery Middle School - Library

Vallecito Union School District Announces Teacher and Classified Staff of the Year

Vallecito Union School District Announces Teacher and Classified Staff of the Year Image
Vallecito Union School District proudly recognizes this year’s Teacher of the Year and Classified Staff of the Year honorees, Sally Klassen and Chelsey Dorsey, for their outstanding dedication and service to our students, staff, and community. These awards, voted on by their peers within their respective union groups, celebrate excellence in education and support.
Sally Klassen, a second-grade teacher at Michelson Elementary and co-president of the Vallecito Teachers Association, is known for her positive attitude, kindness toward students, compassion for families, and exceptional reading instruction skills. Her colleagues highlighted these qualities as just a few of the many reasons she was selected as this year’s Teacher of the Year.
Chelsey Dorsey, a computer technician/aide at Hazel Fischer Elementary, has been an invaluable part of Vallecito Union School District not only as an employee but also as a dedicated parent and community member. Colleagues praised her strong work ethic, willingness to support others, and unwavering commitment to students, making her a well-deserving recipient of the Classified Staff of the Year honor.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Sally and Chelsey and thank them for the incredible impact they make in our schools every day!

Recent News

No School Thursday March 13th (SNOW DAY)

Good Morning Staff and Families,
This is Superintendent Hoskins from Vallecito Union School District. After inspecting conditions on the road and school sites this morning we have decided to call a snow day for Thursday, March 13th. In accordance with our inclement weather protocol school is cancelled for all three schools, Hazel Fischer, Avery Middle School and Michelson Elementary. The decision to cancel school today was based on multiple factors and ensuring safe access to, from and while at school for both students and staff remains our top priority. The make up day for today’s cancellation of school will be Monday, April 14th, which is a built in Inclement weather day. Stay warm and safe today.
Albert Michelson Elementary in the News as Namesake has County Day of Recognition Declared Featured Photo

Albert Michelson Elementary in the News as Namesake has County Day of Recognition Declared

Students from Albert Michelson Elementary School in Murphys visited the Albert Michelson exhibit at the Angels Camp Museum after the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors declared Dec. 19 Albert Michelson Day in honor of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist who spent part of his childhood in Murphys.
The proclamation, adopted at a Dec. 10 meeting of the board, celebrates Michelson's contributions to science and his historical connection to the county.

Read more Albert Michelson Elementary in the News as Namesake has County Day of Recognition Declared.
Mad Scientist Events Surpasses Expectations Featured Photo

Mad Scientist Events Surpasses Expectations

The Vallecito Union School District recently hosted two “Mad Science Nights,” bringing students and their families together for an engaging evening of hands-on science.
The first event took place at Albert Michelson Elementary on Oct. 9, where 192 people,
including students and their families, gathered to explore a variety of interactive science
stations. A second science night followed at Hazel Fischer Elementary, drawing 148
attendees, eager to participate in the night’s experiments and activities.  Feedback provided through survey responses showed families were highly engaged in the learning stations and there was an overwhelming request to offer more similar family events in the future.  Based on survey input, VUSD is looking to host family art night events in the spring.