Albert Michelson Elementary » Our Principal

Our Principal

Dear Trojan Families,

It is with great enthusiasm that I write this letter of introduction to you as the Principal of Albert Michelson Elementary School. I am thrilled to begin the new school year, and look forward to seeing students, parents, and community members. It is obvious that our school is a treasure, and I am thrilled to be a part of it.

Josh O’Geen with studentAs some of you may know, AME is a homecoming for me, as I am a proud Michelson K-8 alumni. Being a part of our prized learning community is beyond my wildest dreams. I was born in Calaveras County and raised in Vallecito. In fact, I now live just a block away from where my grandparents resided on Algiers Street. With residing in Murphys, materialize wonderful memories of small classes taught by amazing teachers and spending time with lifelong friends. Recollections of strolling country roads and drifting Murphys’ Creek bring me back to a nostalgic time. After Michelson, I attended Bret Hart High School where I was extremely active in the school and athletic communities. My experiences at these small schools taught me the importance of positive relationships. We are extremely fortunate to live in a place where everybody knows your name and where the village helps raise the child. This is why I continue to serve at Albert Michelson Elementary School. 

Josh O'Green

My career in education began as a classroom teacher at Hazel Fischer Elementary School and Bret Hart High School where I taught as a long-term substitute while earning my teaching credential. After completing my credential, my wife and I moved to Capitola and taught for six years in Hollister while I earned my Master's Degree in Education and Administration. From Capitola, we moved to Lincoln CA where I was the English Department Chair, coach and athletic director for 10 years at Antelope Crossing Middle School. I entered school administration twelve years ago as an Assistant Principal in the Western Placer Unified School District. On returning to Calaveras County, 

I became the principal at Copperopolis Elementary School, where we accomplished a plethora of sound educational practices. 

I am elated to bring my skills as an educational, emotional and relational leader to Michelson and to work with you, your children, the community and our fantastic staff as partners in the education of your children. I believe that genuine collaboration fosters ownership of a rich school culture. Creating positive relationships in our school and community is the first step in forming a trusting school environment. I am honored to serve our community as the Albert Michelson Elementary School Principal.

Josh O’Geen
Principal, Albert Michelson Elementary School
[email protected]
(209) 728-3441